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Friday, October 19, 2012

If only i could take you where i Dwell!!!

I am no artist to paint those, or do I have a time machine to travel back to those dreams and thoughts; the least I could do is remark upon..

There is someone just like you in the equal; someone who believes that he is the most handsome of them all yet humble to see the beauty of others.

Honest to minutest detail and willing to take the long lectures and tears that follow.

Come squeeze me tight till those wrinkles show on my forehead.

Stroke my hair and watch me bite my lips
Take his guitar and humm a song for just for me..
Walk on the beach and tip toeing on his feet leaving behind his footprints of the journey tread together....
Makes soap bubbles and all I do is sit n break all of them

A man who loves my smile and brings reason for me to use it, my hair however long and short it is...
And toes long enough to have two knuckles each, I love him watch me sleep and closes his eyes to hear me sigh
Be as obsessed as I am about my long fingers and finds the right thing even in the most wrong thing I do

A drive on this highway and feel the tinge of a certain scent and the moist air that surrounds me, hold my hands tight when I slide the window down to feel the rain lash across my face ....
Use his shoulder as a pillow and stare at the skies from the terrace lying on the straw mat.

When I howl and cry when I don’t want the first question to be asked to be "what happened”
I want it to be the tightest hug ever...

My life has a background score if only I could make you listen to it all....let you see it all
Then would you know how beautiful my world is.